i am a child..a boy..a teenager...a guy...a man...an adult..an employee...a citizen...a human being =)
at every stage of life i have to take orders from someone above me...how long do i have to take orders...how long will this circle continue for...and i will also be in a position to give orders and order many people around..but is it necessary...is it something i want to do..is it something that if not done will cause harm to someone..?
why do people order others around...why do some people have to always be pushed around and bullied..? why cant everyone just hav the freedom to do wat they wanna do..as long as they dont encroach on another human being's freedom...
i kno taking orders has its pros and cons...but today m just talkin bout its cons. my dad so many times "TRIES" to order me around...i cant take it....i guess its the Alpha Male thing =)
" go do this...go do that....i want this to be done by this time...go to your room...go study...go get a job...do something constructive..go do this ...go do that"
gawd! its so damn irritating...its so damn pissing off...just let me be...why cant i do things at my pace and time..its not like I'm stupid or irresponsible or dont hav a goal or a focus...!
No more of taking anyone's shit..no more of taking orders !
Rock on =)

Relaxed*Mad Man*Ambitious*Camera Crazy*Flash phobic*Trippy*Vacation Lover*Culinary lover*In love*LITTLE weird*Dog lover*Happy in Life =)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
How precious is life ? Our own and our loved ones..
i had a dream today while taking my afternoon nap about this one person who means the world to me
death...wat if u die in your sleep...wat if..?! you never get the opportunity to tell them how much you love them..and so i make sure i never loose an opportunity to tell them that.
wat if u were in such a position whr you see your loved one fall from a building and watch them reach the ground with a BANG !!!....and cant do anything bout it...gone thru dat..?! its a scary thought...and even more a scarier dream..it scared the crap outta me..and my dreams arent blurry..they're super real !
i just think that life ..ours and our loved ones...matters so much...that we'd do anything to save it or keep it secure...even if we're takin risks !
wat is life..?
is it something from the time we're born till the time we hit the grave..?
is it something that we make of ourselves ?
is it our past present and future..?
is it temporary..? or can it be engraved in the life's of others..?
i dont think there can be one definite answer to wat life is..its a very opinionated question...
but i kno that life is precious..precious enough when we hav a goal or future that we're looking forward to....precious enough to live for others and enjoy the mysterious future ahead of us..
life is awesome..i dont give a damn if we waste one moment or many years...coz that can be part of our life..i dont believe in "lets not waste even a single moment..." its bullshit..i think its ok to waste some time here and their..its all good to waste time doing things that dont make sense and are totally unreasonable and yet be happy or content wit it..coz we derive happinesss from it...life's awesome...lets just live every moment and not regret anything...!
Rock On =)
death...wat if u die in your sleep...wat if..?! you never get the opportunity to tell them how much you love them..and so i make sure i never loose an opportunity to tell them that.
wat if u were in such a position whr you see your loved one fall from a building and watch them reach the ground with a BANG !!!....and cant do anything bout it...gone thru dat..?! its a scary thought...and even more a scarier dream..it scared the crap outta me..and my dreams arent blurry..they're super real !
i just think that life ..ours and our loved ones...matters so much...that we'd do anything to save it or keep it secure...even if we're takin risks !
wat is life..?
is it something from the time we're born till the time we hit the grave..?
is it something that we make of ourselves ?
is it our past present and future..?
is it temporary..? or can it be engraved in the life's of others..?
i dont think there can be one definite answer to wat life is..its a very opinionated question...
but i kno that life is precious..precious enough when we hav a goal or future that we're looking forward to....precious enough to live for others and enjoy the mysterious future ahead of us..
life is awesome..i dont give a damn if we waste one moment or many years...coz that can be part of our life..i dont believe in "lets not waste even a single moment..." its bullshit..i think its ok to waste some time here and their..its all good to waste time doing things that dont make sense and are totally unreasonable and yet be happy or content wit it..coz we derive happinesss from it...life's awesome...lets just live every moment and not regret anything...!
Rock On =)
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