Relaxed*Mad Man*Ambitious*Camera Crazy*Flash phobic*Trippy*Vacation Lover*Culinary lover*In love*LITTLE weird*Dog lover*Happy in Life =)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Relationships :p

Part of everyone's life it is..something everyone is born with and dies with.! Parents..siblings..friends and so on...we just get into more and more complex relationships as we much happiness and so much pain..a nice balance!
some of us can handle relations quite well some others cant and the rest dont really bother. we love and hate some kind of relationship at some point of time...friends or enemies..parents or siblings..there is always that someone who matters to us apart from ourselves..

what then would the world be without relationships??what would the future of humans be like??would we exist ?? would we evolve??we the world progress?? imagine the world with humans by themselves not giving a damn about anyone else..not loving or hating or feeling any emotion towards each other..just indifferent and oblivious to the fact that one can relate with another living would be boring

how often do we take relationships for often are we oblivious or indifferent to the many people we relate to we really care when we say "what's up" or has to it just become small talk we really listen or just keep we care about someone's opinion we think from the other person's we ??

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